sábado, junio 17, 2006

Vaya sustito.

Hace unos días casi "nos quedamos" sin Quaterback. El mariscal de campo de Steelers, los actuales campeones (no me pude aguantar las ganas de escribir esa palabra) de la NFL, Ben Roethlisberger, tuvo un accidente cuando andaba en su motocicleta y SIN CASCO... ah que ironías tiene la vida.

Sufrió varias facturas en la cara pero ya fue dado de alta del hospital, hace unas horas escribio una carta a sus fans y familiares en donde se disculpa por haber sido tan irresponsable al no usar casco y por las angustias ocasionadas a todos los fans y jugadores de los Steelers.

"In the past few days, I have gained new perspective on life. By the grace of God, I am fortunate to be alive, surrounded by loved ones and lifted by the prayers and support of so many. I am sorry for any anxiety and concern my actions have caused others, specifically my family, the Steelers organization, my teammates and our fans.

"I recognize that I have a responsibility to safeguard my health in the offseason so I can continue to lead our team effectively. I never meant any harm to others nor to break any laws. I was confident in my ability to ride a motorcycle and simply believed such an accident would not happen to me. If I ever ride again, it certainly will be with a helmet.

"My deepest appreciation goes out to the Steelers organization and my teammates for the compassion they have shown me. The physicians and support staff at Mercy Hospital were simply amazing, and I will forever be grateful for their caring treatment.

"I want to assure everyone I am committed to a complete and timely recovery. I look forward to being at training camp in Latrobe and to winning football games this season."